In April 2014, Nihon Hoso Kyokai (NHK: Japan Broadcasting Company) aired a short animated film titled “Ophelia, not yet”. Ophelia, in this animation, survives, as she is a backstroke champion. This article will attempt to contextualize the complex negotiations, struggles and challenges between high culture and pop culture, between Western culture and Japanese culture, between authoritative cultural products and radicalized counterculture consumer products (such as animation), to argue that it would be more profitable to think of the relationships between highbrow/lowbrow, Western/non-Western, male versus female, heterosexual versus non-heterosexual, not simply in terms of dichotomies or domination/subordination, but in terms of reciprocal e...
The article explores representation of Western and Eastern Culture using an example of Japanese anim...
Japanese animation, known as “anime,” is one of the most rapidly expanding forms of visual popular c...
Abstract This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of t...
In April 2014, Nihon Hoso Kyokai (NHK: Japan Broadcasting Company) aired a short animated film title...
Studio Ghibli movies enjoy immense popularity globally, and a special place in the hearts of movie b...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
This article discusses a genre of Japanese cartoons and comics known as yaoi or BL (‘Boys Love’) and...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
This article addresses the representation of unstable identity in examples of anime. Split identitie...
Abstract This article explores the way that movement is formally depicted in anime. Drawing on Thoma...
Designed to familiarize the younger audience with the Bard’s work, while at the same time catering t...
This article examines how Studio Ghibli constructs the mundane activities shown in their films as sp...
In the contemporary mass-mediated and boundary-crossing world, fictional narratives provide us with ...
Even at a time when animation is everywhere, from mobile phones to mainstream cinema to multi-media ...
The leading question I am exploring in this dissertation is “why is Romeo and Juliet particularly po...
The article explores representation of Western and Eastern Culture using an example of Japanese anim...
Japanese animation, known as “anime,” is one of the most rapidly expanding forms of visual popular c...
Abstract This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of t...
In April 2014, Nihon Hoso Kyokai (NHK: Japan Broadcasting Company) aired a short animated film title...
Studio Ghibli movies enjoy immense popularity globally, and a special place in the hearts of movie b...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
This article discusses a genre of Japanese cartoons and comics known as yaoi or BL (‘Boys Love’) and...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
This article addresses the representation of unstable identity in examples of anime. Split identitie...
Abstract This article explores the way that movement is formally depicted in anime. Drawing on Thoma...
Designed to familiarize the younger audience with the Bard’s work, while at the same time catering t...
This article examines how Studio Ghibli constructs the mundane activities shown in their films as sp...
In the contemporary mass-mediated and boundary-crossing world, fictional narratives provide us with ...
Even at a time when animation is everywhere, from mobile phones to mainstream cinema to multi-media ...
The leading question I am exploring in this dissertation is “why is Romeo and Juliet particularly po...
The article explores representation of Western and Eastern Culture using an example of Japanese anim...
Japanese animation, known as “anime,” is one of the most rapidly expanding forms of visual popular c...
Abstract This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of t...